Deidré Wallace
3 min readApr 16, 2020

It’s Time To Work Together:

It looks like circumstances have forced us all to stop, so that we can contemplate our lives.

Now is a time for stillness. It’s a time for reflection. It’s time to consider what‘s actually going on in your life.

And in this stillness, all that you’ve been running away from or putting off — can now be given time — so that you can look at your life more carefully and maybe even differently.

Often we get into a routine of just doing and doing and doing — that we forget to stop and reflect. And you may not even be happy doing this stuff — yet you still carry on doing it. It’s crazy. Just stop.

Now is the time to learn about stillness. Maybe you can learn to meditate — especially as it’s the quickest way to build your immune system.

The earth is our greatest teacher. She has stopped us — and in this lies an important lesson. Give yourself a break. And maybe as a result, you will find new ways of doing things that are far better than before.

We need to remember that we are all human beings sharing this planet and we are now all going through this massive change — together.

We cannot isolate ourselves from the world. Co-operation is crucial. What we do affects everyone around us. Acknowledging this is crucial too. We need to come together — so we can work together.

If one person takes too much — there will be less for another. Awareness is therefore crucial as the same could happen to you.

Offer your help wherever necessary and smile. Think of this time as a wonderful opportunity to grow and to learn more about who you really are and what you truly want from your life. It is only when we self-reflect, that fear lessens. This then enables our hearts to open and any stress fades away.

But also, this moment in history too shall pass.
Be kind to each other.
Mother Earth is having a breather while we return to stillness.
Remember to boost your immune system by choosing love over fear.

And I wish you well as we all undergo this process of change.

© 2020 Deidré Wallace. All rights reserved.

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About The Author

I am a fully qualified UK Psychodynamic Relationship Therapist, Life Coach and Teacher.

Relationships are risky and I teach how you can reduce the risk via my step by step relationship knowledge system. As a result, I encourage people to think differently and I help people understand how and why we choose our personal and business relationships.

I am not offering relationship advice, I am offering relationship knowledge.

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Deidré Wallace
Deidré Wallace

Written by Deidré Wallace

As a Relationship/Corporate Therapist, I help highly effective people understand exactly how and why we choose our relationships:

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